Learn how to connect to your Linux VPS via SSH. This guide will give you the process to connect to your VPS via SSH using Putty on a Windows base machine.
Accessing SSH from Windows
To access your Linux Server using SSH (all Linux variants) we recommend downloading the program 'Putty'.
To connect you need to use a SSH Client. Grab Putty at: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
For Windows users just download 'putty.exe' on Intel x86.
The download is not a setup file, it is the actual program, so put it wherever you like (desktop is handy).
- Double click on 'Putty'
- Enter the Host Name or IP Address of the Server - you can get these details from the hosting welcome letter you received when signing up to our service.
- Ensure the connection type is 'SSH'
- Enter a name you can easily identify for your connection
- Click 'Save'
- Click 'Open'
- You will now be prompted to login
- Enter the username: root
- Password: the password in your hosting welcome letter.
If you need to be able to move/copy files from your local computer to the Linux Server or even modify files through a graphical interface you can use WinSCP. You can download WinSCP from https://winscp.net/eng/download.php