To access AWStats (Website statistics software) for your website:
- Log into cPanel. (Your CPanel account details will be in your Hosting Welcome Letter)
- In the Logs section, click the AWStats icon.
- Click the view icon next to the domain name(ssl) for which you wish to view stats.
The information shown within AWStats includes the following:
- Monthly history
- Days of month
- Days of week
- Hours
- Countries (top 25)
- Hosts (top 25)
- Authenticated users (top 10)
- Robots/Spiders visitors (top 25)
- Visits duration
- Files types
- Pages-URL (top 25)
- Operating systems (top 10)
- Browsers (top 10)
- Connect to site from
- Search key phrases (top 10)
- Search keywords (top 25)
- HTTP error codes
To understand the information you are looking at you can find out more information about each section by visiting